Interview with Wang Wei 王為訪談
Wang Wei
Wang Wei is a photographer who was born in Guizhou, she studied art history and photography at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, and now lives and works in London, England.
In 2009, the photographic "Standard Room" series was exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery in London as an entry for the Taylor Wilson Award.
The work has also been exhibited at the London Art Fair, the Florence Creation Festival, Amelia Johnson Gallery in Hong Kong, 798 Red T Space in Beijing and the ZKM Art Gallery in Karlsruhe, Germany. Her works are also frequently published in various magazines in the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy and France.
作品也曾在倫敦藝術博覽會、佛羅倫薩創造節、香港Amelia Johnson畫廊、北京798 Red T空間和德國卡爾斯魯厄的ZKM美術館展出;亦常刊載於美國、英國、義大利和法國多種雜誌。